Sunday 19 November even the italian villages will celebrate the 1st World Day of the Poor, appointment strongly desired by Pope Francis that at the closing of the Jubilee of Mercy, in November 2016, had urged the Church and the whole Christian community to reflect on the excluded, on those who possess nothing and live far away and forgotten by society.
A social emergency on which, especially with the recent years, is morally correct question ourselves and take conscience, regardless religious implications: first of all it’s a matter of human sensitivity. Pope Francis there has therefore wished to call to reach out to the poor and the weak, to the men and women which is trampled upon the dignity.
In the preparation of the 1st World Day of the Poor was made a pastoral aid translated into 6 languages, showing in the title the exhortation of the Pope: “Let us not love by words, but by deeds”, published in Italy by Editrice San Paolo. In Italy and in the rest of the world, the dioceses and parishes enthusiastically accepted the invitation of Pope Francis, with many initiatives in favor of the less fortunate people. Associations, parishes and groups are inspiring to develop initiatives in favor of the lasts, “not recipients of a good practice for volunteering to do once a week – wrote Pope Francis in his Message for this Day – but brothers with which meet, “to give rise to a share that becomes a way of life”.
On Sunday it is estimated that more than 4,000 among the needys, the poor and the excluded, accompanied by volunteer associations’ staff coming not only from Rome and the Lazio, but also from the various dioceses of the world, will reach the Basilica of San Pietro to participate at the Mass celebrated by Pope Francesco at 10 a.m. When the Mass will end, 1,500 of them will be hosted in the Paul VI Hall, to take part in a festive lunch together with the Pope. Other 2,500 will be, instead, transferred at canteens, seminaries and colleges Catholics in Rome to attend them at a festive lunch. The poor will be served by 40 deacons of the Diocese of Rome and from about 150 volunteers from the parishes of other dioceses.
And if so many restaurants of Rome decided to offer to the poor of the capital on sunday lunch, the italian villages won’t certainly be less. The “Park Ecclesial Cultural lands of Capo di Leuca – De Finibus Terrae” Foundation has in the recent days announced the initiative beneficial “Against Poverty… “Serve” the Mayors”, along with the approval of Salvatore Negro, Welfare Councillor of Puglia Region.
At 12.30 on Sunday at the Pilgrim Hall, close to Basilica di Leuca, 72 poor of Capo di Leuca (4 for each municipality, indicated by the local social services), will be served at the tables by 18 mayors of the Diocese Ugento- S. Maria di Leuca, which for some time will leave their band tricolor and resolutions to dedicate to the “last”, so dear to the prophet of Capo di Leuca: the Servant of God, Don Tonino Bello. The lunch of sharing will be preceded by a moment of prayer and reflection, guided by the Bishop of the Diocese, H.E. Monsignor Vito Angiuli.
The event is realized thanks to the volunteers of the Charity Works’ Desk, the Diocesan Caritas, the Don Tonino Bello Foundation and in collaboration with Vincentians’ Voluntary Groups, the Foundation “Terre del Capo di Leuca – De Finibus Terrae” and the teritorial social context of Gagliano del Capo, as well as with the patronage of the municipalities. forming part of the Diocese: Acquarica del Capo; Alessano, Castrignano del Capo, Corsano; Gagliano del Capo, Miggiano; Montesano Salentino; Morciano di Leuca, Patù, Presicce; Ruffano, Salve, Specchia; Supersano; Taurisano; Tiggiano; Tricase e Ugento.
The Sunday in Italy is sacred, for many different reasons and each one of us put in front of others his personal meaning. Whether it is family sharing, religious, spiritual, emotional or simply total and perfect rest. After a week of efforts, stress, traffic and commitments, the fundamental reason why the sacredness of Sunday is so rooted in our culture is only one: to stay together with our dear ones, sharing the food, a simple walk or just enjoing in your sofa or your home. The feast day serves precisely to not feel excluded, whatever the acceptation, religious or secular, we give it.
“Against Poverty… “Serve” the Mayors” is really a golden opportunity for reflection and communion. The heads of the Community, what the mayors should still be, which symbolically give security and refreshment, a relief in the heart of those who will participate in this Sunday lunch. This is what should happen not only in the land of Leuca but everywhere in Italy and in the rest of the world, in the heart and in the mind of each one of us: wherever we sow this small seed of humanity and empathy, a symptom of a practical ethics and morals which should inspire us not only on Sunday but also in everyday life.
Photos by the Diocese Ugento- S.Maria di Leuca,