Forni di Sopra

Forni di Sopra is the main mountain tourist center of Friuli-Venezia Giulia for receptivity and for recognized “alpine beauty”. The beating heart of the village is the Piazza del Comune, flanked by ancient buildings, with a beautiful stone fountain.

Forni di Sopra
Davide Marson/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Davide Marson/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Linda Blazic-Mirosevic/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock
Forni di Sopra
Nicola Simeoni/shutterstock

Forni di Sopra, located in the Alpine region of Carnia, is included in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage. Dominated by the splendid peaks of the Eastern Dolomites, Forni di Sopra is the main mountain tourist center of Friuli-Venezia Giulia for receptivity and recognized "alpine beauty".
The territory, inserted in the Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites, extends from 900 meters, altitude of the inhabited center, to almost 2600 meters from the highest dolomitic peak and includes a vast range of naturalistic, hiking and mountaineering itineraries. To make the village very suggestive is its historic center, the houses (once used as a dwelling and barn) are characterized in the lower part in stone, the upper one in wood and with the presence of external staircases and balconies.
The beating heart of the village is the Piazza del Comune, flanked by ancient buildings, with a beautiful stone fountain. Unlike now many mountain resorts and not, the inhabitants live in the valley throughout the year thus maintaining genuine local traditions and culture, and for the guest it is easy to feel "part" of this community because it is welcomed with friendship and cordiality.

For sports lovers, Forni di Sopra is equipped for both winter and summer.
During the winter season the town offers a large ski area divided into two areas. For the little ones the fun is not lacking: at their complete disposal a baby snow park and the ski school to spend pleasant days on the snow. For the summer season, mountaineering, hiking, mountain biking, e-mountain biking and Nordic walking are some of the sports that can be performed thanks to the wide range of itineraries.

Top quality also the catering: Forni di Sopra is in fact known for its typical cuisine, composed of dishes based on mountain herbs known and appreciated since the times of the Serenissima, and of natural products. Typical products include: Cjariel liqueur with Kummel, butter and ricotta cheese from Malga and biscuits from Savorgnani ovens.

Village of Forni di Sopra
Municipality of Forni di Sopra
Province of Udine
Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Inhabitants: 921 fornesi
Center altitude: 907 m s.l.m.
Unesco site:
Le Dolomiti
the Municipality is part of:
Città e siti patrimonio mondiale Unesco
Aree naturali protette:
Parco naturale delle Dolomiti Friulane
Via Nazionale 84 - tel: 043388056
Village in the mountain
Village with park
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  • Take the A 27 Venice - Belluno motorway to the Longarone junction, continue towards Cortina first towards Tai di Cadore, then towards Auronzo di Cadore until the large crossroads of Ponte Nuovo, then following the signs for FORNI DI SOPRA and Passo Mauria he quickly reached Forni di Sopra.


  • Calalzo di Cadore station
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