Gressoney-Saint-Jean is a small village in the Aosta Valley, at the foot of Monte Rosa, in the Lys Valley. Renowned summer and winter holiday resort, traditionally form a single territorial entity with the village of Gressoney-La-Trinité, called Gressoney in French, Greschòney (official) or Creschnau in walser (Greschòneytitsch or more simply Titsch) and Kressenau form desueta) in german. The most trusted name of his name is Chreschen-eye, or Piana dei Crescioni. Gressoney is divided into three parts: Onderteil, the lower part, from the Trenta point (in titsch, Trentostäg) to the capital of Gressoney-Saint-Jean (Greschòney Zer Chilchu); Méttelteil, the middle part, comprising the capital of Saint-Jean (Greschòney Zer Chilchu) and the territory upstream to the village of Léschelbalmo; Oberteil, the upper part, which corresponds to the present municipality of Gressoney-La-Trinité.
Gressoney-Saint-Jean is a German language island belonging to the Walser community. The people speak an Almanian dialect, the Greschòneytitsch, or simply Titsch. The cultural and linguistic heritage of Walser in Gressoney is studied and disseminated by Walser Kulturzentrum, which also has a wealth of library. In addition to being trilingual Italian-French-German (official languages ""of instruction for the common langoes of the Valley of the Lys), in the territory of Gressoney-Saint-Jean part of the population speaks the patois Francoprovenzale valdostano. Moreover, thanks to its geographical proximity and historical relations with the adjacent Valsesia and Canavese, the local population also knows the Piedmontese.
Gressoney-Saint-Jean is a renowned summer and winter resort. It has a good number of facilities and ski slopes. The most important area is the Weissmatten, and is part of the ski area Monterosa Ski.
The typical products of the village are the Toma of Gressoney (Presidio Slow Food) and the Chneffléné, traditional gnocchi.