


Località: Convento dei Cappuccini, Fraghes 1 - Chiusa - Klausen - Bolzano
Phone number: 0472 846148

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Civic Museum of Chiusa

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Civic Museum of Chiusa

The Civic Museum of the village of closed, founded in 1914 is located in the premises of the former convent of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. The church of the Capuchins, the convent of the Capuchins, the Chapel of Loreto and its famous treasure, owe their origin to the Queen of Spain Maria Anna. The Church and the convent were built between 1699 and 1701. The Church, in its simplicity, is a fine example of architecture cappuccina. In a niche above the main portal, is placed the marble statue of the patron saint of the Church Felice da Cantalice, at its sides two angels holding up the symbols of the Royal House of Spain. The Ascent of closed to “the little town of artists” begins when especially painters Germans and Austrians discovered the quaint charm of the city and its surroundings. He began a period of gold for the town which haunt of artists. Between 1874 and 1914 were well beyond 300 painters and sculptors who traveled to Closed. The Civic Museum in 2012 celebrated an important anniversary: 20 years of activity and the 100° temporary exhibition set up in the Civic Gallery. Organising on average five temporary exhibitions a year, the Civic Museum is closed between museums more active in the Province of Bolzano. The most important part of the Museum is constituted by the famous treasure of Loreto. The donation of this collection of works of art of inestimable value is unique in its kind, both for artistic value that for historical value and the foundation of the convent of the Capuchin Friars of closed (1699), is due to the generosity of the Queen of Spain Maria Anna (1667-1740). Constitute the rich collection, donated by the real and personalities who were attending their court precious sacred objects, textiles and ceramics, paintings of remarkable quality and other works of art, among which deserves a special mention the altar from the field of King Charles II of Spain. They are for the most part the work of known Italian artists, Spanish and Flemish, made in the XVI and XVII century.

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