


Località: Via Doria, 2-6 - Dolceacqua - Imperia

Giovanni Morscio Gallery

The Giovanni Morscio Gallery was born in 1970 thanks to a donation of works of art arranged by the painter Giovanni Morscio in favor of the municipality of Dolceacqua. Morscio (1887-1972) was a painter primarily devoted to the fresco and natura morta, active in Liguria and in Nice; exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants in 1930 and exercised in France also the activity of the gallerist.

The original collection is based on a selection of works by Morscio and some Italian painters and French among his contemporaries: Éloi-Noël Bouvard, Mario Ameglio, Eugenio Bonivento Cirano Castelfranchi, Georges Chappuis, Gaston Cirmeuse, Yves Diey, Robert Duflos, Charley Garry, Maurice Martin, Maurice Louis Monnot, Fernando Pelosini, Alberto Rossi, André Salomon The Tropezien. After the death of Morscio entered the collection paintings by Achille Cabiati, Marcello Cammi, Franco Giglio and Mario Raimondo (said “Barbadirame”).

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