


Località: SS16, 112, Marina di San Vito - San Vito Chietino - Chieti

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D’Annunzio’s Hermitage

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D’Annunzio’s Hermitage

The D’Annunzio’s Hermitage of San Vito Chietino has been the summer residence of the poet Gabriele D’Annunzio in 1889. Attached to it there’s the Turquoise Trabucco. The poet stayed there from 23 July to 22 September of that year, together with his lover Barbara Leoni (nicknamed “la bella romana”), and was an inspiration for his first literary work ‘Il Trionfo della Morte’.

The residence, today private property, can be visited in summer on request. Under the hermitage promontory, there is the exact point where, in the book, the protagonists lose their life.

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