


Località: SS.3 Flaminia - Trevi - Perugia

Matigge Tower

Matigge is a small hamlet in the municipality of Trevi, in the province of Perugia.
Located along the Flaminia state highway, a few kilometers north of Trevi and on the border with Foligno, Torre Matigge is now part of the southern industrial suburbs. The hamlet takes its name from its important medieval tower, which in the past was one of the three terzieri that made up the village of Trevi and still participates annually in the well-known Palio held in the town.

The town is composed of a series of villas of Roman and possibly earlier origin, which form its core. It seems that the original name of the area was Matidia, traceable to Matidia, granddaughter of Trajan and mother-in-law of Hadrian. During the communal conflicts of the Middle Ages, in which Trevi was allied with Foligno, the region assumed strategic importance, so much so that it was planned to fortify it with an imposing quadrangular tower. Construction of the structure began in 1395 and it was equipped with a keeper and a bell tower to sound the alarm in case of attack.

The enigma surrounding this tower, still in excellent condition and decorated with battlements, is that there appears to be no entrance door in the basement. According to the initial construction plans, the entrance was supposed to be underground, but in recent years no one has been able to pinpoint its precise location.

In 1488 the tower was captured by the mercenary captain Franceschino Cybo, and further restoration and fortification work was carried out in 1539 and 1601.

Four coats of arms are visible on the western facade of the tower: of the Cybo, Trinci, Perugia and Trevi, which are relatively well preserved.

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