


Località: SP2 - Tuscania - Viterbo

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Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

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Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Tuscania stands on the slopes of St Peter’s Hill, which also houses the basilica of the same name on its summit. Named for the first time in 852 in a bull by Pope Leo IV to the bishop of Tuscania, Urban (there is news of a bishop in Tuscania as early as 595, when a certain Virbono appeared in the list of participants at a council), it was consecrated on 6 October 1206.

The church is state property and is in the hands of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e per il Paesaggio for the provinces of Rome, Rieti and Virerbo. The Office is responsible for carrying out restoration and maintenance work and making the monument accessible. The Church is currently undergoing structural and maintenance work; however, it is possible to visit it, even if only partially.

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